Blueberry Ice Cream

Ahh…blueberry ice cream! What a special treat. We visited a neighbor who helped with our field and treated them to our personal interpretation. After the delight we were asked to share our recipe as they entertained frequently as they viewed the treat as the best blueberry ice cream they’ve ever had.


After a bit of drama to build up the image of complexity, we shared our simple secret. 

She was pleasantly surprised, so here goes…


Step 1

Pull 1 to 1 1/2 cups blueberries from the freezer. Whack them around in a food processor creating small chunks.


Step 2

Toss the chopped blueberries into a mixer bowl. Turn mixer on low setting. Using an ice cream scoop, add one and a half quarts of Harris Teeter all natural vanilla ice cream until thoroughly mixed.


That’s it! 

No churning, no leftover rock salt to deal with and best of all, no long wait!


Tip: you may want to chill the mixer bowl ahead of time. 



**If you like this recipe, just wait till you hear how we make pawpaw ice cream.**